Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Try Again!

Okay Peeps, I'm going to give this blogging thing another try.  It has almost been a year since my last blog and I had pretty much given up on it.  I figured with just Bart and I and not much to report about, nobody would really want to know what was going on with us... until I  had several requests by clients, family, and friends to document things going on in our life; mainly our infertility experiences. 
So here I go.  I will try to catch everyone up on what we have been through, and hopefully continue to document our experiences with HOW or IF we get to start a little family!
I welcome and appreciate feedback or comments; however, if any of you consider writing a "you poor thing", or "I don't know how you do it" comment I will delete you from my friendship forever!!  We don't feel sorry for ourselves, and we certainly don't need anyone to feel sorry for us either. We do appreciate every one's support, but we would just like to share our experiences and hope that it will help someone else who has (or hasn't but know someone who has) been through infertility. 
Wish me luck.  I'm not a good writer and I have a tendency to tell it like it is, so I hope not to offend!

... and now that it has taken me all day figure blogging out again, I will post another day :)
try to be patient with me!!!


Niki said...

I know exactly how you feel! Way to be! I can't wait to see how things go for you! Lots of love.

heidijogoody said...

yay I am so glad to hear you are back up and running! Can't wait to see lots of new posts to come! Love you guys